International Response Fund

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Nightly call from Chris

Another day of working with patients, it is good to hear that they have a little bit of levity amongst the team going on (I heard rumblings of a messy, near food fight, spaghetti dinner) to help them get through all of this.  Chris did say things are a little frustrating because there is not a lot they can do, they are really short on supplies and/or do not have the right supplies to treat what is going on.  Lots of infections, scabies, rashes and things like that and all they can really do is hand out vitamins.

It sounds like they may be coming home on Wednesday instead of Thursday, just because of availability of trips out of there.  She'll know more as they get closer.

I asked her about the reports I have seen where people can hear the Haitians singing at night, she said it's every night, all night long.  There is pretty much no power anywhere, so the singing is probably what keeps them going and busy all night. 

She also mentioned that she was impressed by the translators that are assigned to them.  The one she had today was a lawyer, well educated, spoke four languages.  They are in high demand so they get good treatment.

Chris felt this was the tip of the iceberg too, as far as the disaster is concerned.  With the amount of disease going on, more will die.  And they have good weather now, but she hears in 3-4 months it will be heavy rains, hurricane season, and nobody has any place to live.  This story is far from over.

1 comment:

  1. I have secretly admired the Seventh Day Adventists for many years after learning about their emphasis on health and healthy life styles. I also liked their Saturday church system since it saves Sunday to read the newspaper!
    Many years ago I drove by their church in Los Gatos but did not join since I felt that any group that would let me become a member is not too good.
